Recent Village Hall Committee Minutes
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 3rd February 2021 by Zoom
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Clive Mitchell Apologies for absence: Svava Barker, Kieran Hewett
2. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Proposed: KG Seconded: GA
3. Matters arising not appearing elsewhere on the agenda: None
4. Finance
4.1 TH reported lockdown payment of £6K from EDC and that we held sufficient reserves to tide us over for a reasonable period.
5. Premises
5.1 Consideration to be given to the installation of an understairs power point for the fridge, grants for external car charging point and a generator switching system for community power emergencies.
5.2 TH reported that Brian H was redecorating the interior in easy stages.
5.3 KG suggested replacement/new picnic benches for the park area which the meeting approved. KG to check prices.
5.4 CM reported Beacon had requested its annual fire equipment inspection and it was agreed he give them the go ahead.
5.5 TH confirmed that the entries on Brian H's timesheet should satisfy the insurer's requirement for a weekly inspection log during shutdown.
5.6 KG raised concerns about the condition of foodstuffs in the kitchen cupboards and fridge - BG to check.
5.7 CM to check with Brian H whether the back door key returned to key safe.
5.8 TH reported he'd cleaned boiler supply pipeline and service due next week.
6. Marketing and events
6.1 Agreed we should start taking bookings from July with appropriate caveats.
6.2 TH stressed necessity to get supporters signed up for the Lottery - KG and CM to check what application forms they may be holding (if any).
7. Any other business
7.1 Fixing the date of the AGM needs mentioning in the next meeting agenda.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 2nd December 2020 by Zoom
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Svava Barker, Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Kieran Hewett, Clive Mitchell
2. Minutes of previous meeting: Approved. Proposed: KG Seconded: KH
3. Matters arising not appearing elsewhere on the agenda: None
4. Finance
4.1 TH reported a current bank balance of £17,241 after payment of £5442 for the roof works to be offset by an awaited grant instalment of £350. The shower room bill was still awaited. EDC to make a further grant of £1334.
4.2 TH has arranged a new electricity tariff by monthly direct debit resulting in a small saving.
5. Premises
5.1 The roof works had been satisfactorily completed and the shower room was awaiting reinstallation of the shower panels. BG had reservations that insufficient time had been allowed for the curing of the concrete screed before the laying of the vinyl sheeting.
5.2 CM confirmed receipt of the spray equipment and fluid. CM and TH to liaise with Brian H to test it out at the Hall.
5.3 TH advised that Richard Greenhough had swept up the leaf accumulation. BG to prepare list of outstanding maintenance jobs including playground and rear downpipe. CM to clear gutters.
5.4 TH to ask Brian H to paint public toilets ceiling.
6. Marketing and events
6.1 KG reported on her bar stocktake, details of which she had circulated by email. The quantity of outdated ales that required disposal was discussed. Agreed that anyone willing to buy such stock at £1 per bottle and 50p per can could make payment in an envelope placed in the Hall's or TH's letterbox.
6.2 CM advised on current Covid letting restrictions. Agreed that the bunkroom be made available to single family bubbles and the Christmas bubble. Agreed that there would be a minimum two person charge of £30 for single occupiers to cover disinfection costs. Agreed it was not within our remit to police the tier areas from which hirers came. Agreed that normal booking arrangements be now put in place for next Easter onwards with the proviso that payments would be refunded should Covid restrictions remain in place.
7. Any other business
7.1 Agreed KG and CM be the authorised signatories to the annual Gambling Act return to EDC. TH to make the signing arrangements.
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 7th October 2020 by Zoom
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Kieran Hewett, Clive Mitchell Apologies for absence: Svava Barker
2. Minutes of previous meeting: Not considered
3. Matters arising not appearing elsewhere on the agenda: None
4. Finance
4.1 TH circulated the mid year VH accounts which appeared in good shape given the current circumstances. In the absence of regular income, we could consider more Unity Lottery leafleting. Three persons were still making 100 Club contributions and would need to be notified.
4.2 KG to check on expiry dates of bar stock with a view to sale of some items.
5. Premises
5.1 The toilet roof works were progressing, battening and edge trimming having been completed.
5.2 KG understood Norman was still intending to start the shower room works next month.
5.3 KH had reviewed the fogging machines and would circulate details of one model appropriate to our needs for around £450 with a view to our making a decision next week. There was scope for hiring out the machine. TH to discuss use of machine and protective clothing with Brian H.
6. Marketing and events
It was agreed that every effort be made to reopen the hall and bunkroom at the earliest opportunity and will be further considered next week in the light of the fogging machine decision. Campsite use is historically negligible between now and Easter, although availability can be advertised as soon as the toilets are open 24/7.
7. Any other business
KC considered that declining the beaters' use of the bunkroom had been discriminatory and unnecessary, a local bunkhouse having accommodated them without issue. We were all disappointed at being unable to capitalise on a most favourable win-win situation because of the government's restrictions of the use of bunkrooms to members of a single household plus one adult in its support bubble. This applied to everyone, not just the beaters, and continues to do so. Presumably the other bunkhouse, unless it was breaking the law, was so configured as to permit multi-household occupation.
Minutes of Committee Meeting held by Zoom on 30th September 2020
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Svava Barker,, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Kieran Hewett, Clive Mitchell Apologies for absence: Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick
2. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Proposed: SB Seconded: KG
3. Matters arising not appearing elsewhere on the agenda: None
4. Finance
TH said we currently held funds of £25K after purchase of the mower and receipt of £1125 part grant payment from EDC towards the toilet roof repairs. The figure did not include the cost of the roof and shower room repairs.
5. Premises
5.1 The mower is to be delivered once the toilet scaffolding has been removed. It will be stored over winter in the storage room if there is space, otherwise under the outside lean-to and secured to a concrete post. More secure options included the possibility of a shed or doors for the lean-to. The old mower might perhaps be offered for sale on Ebay or Gumtree.
5.2 Danny had returned the signed contract and commenced the roof works. Some of the old timbers showed evidence of a fire at some point. Danny would be replacing the barge board with glass reinforce material which better suited the existing construction.
5.3 It is anticipated Norman will start the shower room works in November, KG to check with him in later October.
6. Marketing and events
6.1 Given current Covid restrictions, there were no plans to reopen the hall, bunkroom or campsite this side of the new year. KH to check on types and prices of fogging machines available with a view to purchase.
6.2 Fiona would need to be advised that the shower room toilet may be out of commission for the craft fair if the works are in progress. While Brian would ensure the public toilets are cleaned at the start of each day of the craft fair, the onus would be on Fiona to ensure thay remained Covid compliant throughout each day of the fair. We may yet decide to limit the use of the toilets to the disabled toilet. CM to email Fiona re toilets, attaching the GVH risk assessment and additional Covid hire requirements. We would also need to see her own risk assessment and confirmation of provision of a track and trace book.
7. Any other business
7.1 The meeting thanked KH for preparing the draft GVH Risk Assessment which it approved as drawn. Agreed that a copy be put on the GVH website. Agreed it was not our responsibility to police users coming from surrounding areas of higher Covid restrictions.
7.2 The meeting was curtailed by the Zoom session ending. CM to check means of resuming a session.
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 26th August 2020 by Zoom
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Svava Barker, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Kieran Hewett, Clive Mitchell Apologies for absence: Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick, Kelly Green,
2. Premises
Agreed that the closure would remain in place pending the next review in a month's time. There are no current proposals to reopen before the end of the year unless the Covid situation significantly improves. In the meantime, requests for use of the premises would be considered on a case by case basis. The toilets will remain open at weekends, Brian H affording the occasional camper access to the disabled toilet upon request when main toilets closed.
3. Marketing and events
Fiona had requested use of the hall for a craft fayre involving a reduced number of tables, possibly six. Approved subject to Fiona taking full responsibility for all Covid precautions and subject to cancellation at short notice should government policy necessitate. CM to inform Fiona including a copy of the ACRE Covid safety requirements for her to implement.
4. Toilet Roof
BG to email draft contractor agreement to CM for consideration.
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 29th July 2020 by Zoom
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Svava Barker, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon,, Clive Mitchell
Apologies for absence: Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick, Kieran Hewett
2. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Proposed: BG Seconded: SB
3. Matters arising not appearing elsewhere on the agenda: None
4. Finance
4.1 TH explained the audited annual VH accounts which were agreed.
4.2 The future of the remaining limited-life bar stock was discussed.
5. Premises
5.1 Agreed that the public toilets reopen during the daytime subject to the following safeguards being in place:
(i) BH has a full supply of PPE and sanitisation materials and knows when to contact TH for replenishment.
(ii) TH has prepared a schedule of instructions to be followed by BH in maintaining the requisite standard of public safety and cleanliness
(iii) TH has discussed the schedule with BH and obtains from him a signed copy confirming he'd read and understood its contents
(iv) BG has sourced appropriate Covid notices such as "Cleaning in Progress - Do not Enter" "Cleaned regularly but not necessarily immediately prior to visit"
"Use at own risk"
(v) SB has laminated and arranged for display of notices
(vi) TH to give BH the go ahead once satisfied all the above properly in place
5.2 Agreed that the campsite remain closed for bookings but ad hoc use by persons needing to camp overnight would be permitted. Those enquiring with CM in advance to be informed of BH's availability to open toilets if requested.
5.3 Agreed that the showers, bunkroom and hall all remain closed for most if not all of the remainder of 2020 subject to monthly review.
5.4 BG to draw up basic roof repair agreement (CM to check) for Danny to sign
6. Marketing and events: None
7. Any other business
7.1. For reasons of public safety, there would be no AGM this year
7.2. The Trustees to keep matters under review by Zoom meeting on the last Wednesday of each month until otherwise agreed
Minutes of Committee Zoom Meeting held on 8th July 2020
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Svava Barker, Amy Carrick, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Kieran Hewett, Clive Mitchell
2. Resignation of Pauline Platts
KG advised that PP was resigning as a trustee. Agreed KG to write to PP to thank her for her much appreciated service and contribution over the years.
3. Toilets Reopening
Agreed BG to check out cleaning and notice requirements and TH provision of sanitisation equipment with a view to discussing with Brian H the possibility reopening at weekends commencing 19th July and on an ad hoc basis for the occasional camper.
4. Hall Reopening
Agreed Hall reopening decision to be deferred until the next zoom meeting.
5. Bunkroom and campsite
Agreed bunkroom and campsite remain closed indefinitely while risk of infection remains at current level. The required cleaning costs would likely negate bunkroom revenue. Further consideration to be given to campsite (but not showers) reopening once public toilets open full time.
6. Playground
BG to liaise with Lissie Sharp re disclaimer notice for entrance gate. TH to arrange outside sanitisation facility.
7. Toilet Roof
Agreed that of the esimates obtained, Danny's be accepted and BG/CM draft appropriate instruction letter.
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 4th March 2020
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Kieran Hewett, Clive Mitchell, Pauline Platts Apologies for absence: Svava Barker, Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick
2. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Proposed: KG Seconded: GA
3. Matters arising not appearing elsewhere on the agenda
3.1 Hall cleaning - TH had spoken with Brian about the importance of sweeping up and cleaning directly after each use of the hall, kitchen or bunkroom. As Brian is away in first week of April. KG to see if Sharon will cover. BG to send CM Sharon's email address for CM to keep her updated as to bookings. TH to give KG Brian's job description for passing on to Sharon re the cover period.
3.2 Foyer seats - TH had ordered two wall seats and awaited delivery date.
4. Finance
4.1 TH distributed copies of the updated VH accounts. We appeared to be around £3,500 in profit for the financial year and £15,500 in funds.
4.2 Pitchup - agreed CM to set up account to aid campsite/bunkroom bookings.
KH observed there should be a prominent sign or notice informing Pennine Way walkers of the existence/location of the campsite.
4.3 CM had received offers of donations from villagers not wishing to participate in the Unity lottery and indeed some generous donations had already been received. The idea of a "Friends of the Village Hall" scheme would require active administration on our part, the self-administering model offered by the lottery being the preferred option for the time being.
5. Premises
5.1 BG reported on the recent premises sub-committee meeting recommending our own temporary repair to the toilet roof pending the outcome of grant applications to include funding requests for shower room floor and new mower.
Recommendation agreed. BG to apply to Screwfix and EDC in this regard and circulate suggested dates for the next DIY day. Agreed that the roof had to be properly repaired before next winter and contractors booked before end August.
5.2 BG had advertised the surplus chairs on Gumtree. Gill Rogers from the church needed chairs - BG to contact her. Agreed that the old tables could be given away if no buyers. [BG has since sold the chairs for £50].
6. Marketing and events
6.1 CM reported on an article about Pickleball being a possible fund raiser. Agreed that given the required outlay for equipment, this would be revisited only if its popularity made such purchase a viable proposition or BG's further investigations proved sufficiently promising.
6.2 Jazz Night. CM reported on the mediocre response to a circulated sounding out of interest in a future event. CM to check the duo's summer date availability with a view to a possible return.
6.3 Summer Party 29th August. KG to find and book a hog roast supplier ASAP.
6.4 Other events could involve the Highlights organisation, which had proved to be most entertaining on previous occasions.
7. Any other business
7.1 BG mentioned the possibility of a distribution of an AMP home maintenance calendar.
Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 15th January 2020
1. Attendance: Glad Allen, Svava Barker, Kelly Green, Brian Grew, Tim Haldon, Kieran Hewett, Clive Mitchell Apologies for absence: Amy Carrick, Kim Carrick
2. Minutes of previous meeting approved. Proposed: KG Seconded: GA
3. Matters arising not appearing elsewhere on the agenda
3.1 CM had not heard from the wall seat company and will chase up.
3.2 Cleaning was still failing to meet the required standard. For example, some sausages had been left languishing on the hall floor since the Christmas party. TH to have a walk round with Brian to identify areas of concern.
3.3 The issue of whether to split caretaking and cleaning duties and employ a cleaner was discussed. TH to sound out Brian's preferences. Sharon may be willing to act as cleaner if required.
3.4 The issue of whether the hot water supply should be left on permanently or turned on when required was discussed. As the latter did not cater for impromptu visitors, the general feeling was that it should be left on permanently. TH perhaps to have a word with Brian.
4. Finance
4.1 TH reported that the current bank balance stood at £14,800.
5. Premises
5.1 Roof repairs: BG was unclear as to precisely what Danny's estimate was meant to include and would again meet with him to discuss this. BG also to write to EDC re availability of funding.
5.2 Gym proposal: Owing to insufficient response from trustees within the short time window, BG had been unable to submit the proposal in time for this year's round but in view of the trustees' support of the scheme would prepare a cost analysis with a view to a submission in the next round. There would also need to be a business plan and public consultation. Other options for the new structure included a camping pod and additional bunkroom space.
5.3 DIY day: To be discussed at the next meeting. Terry has kindly volunteered to paint the foyer. Tim will be framing some of his old local maps for the hall.
5.4 New chairs: TH had ordered 40 new chairs and a stacking trolley for delivery within the next fortnight. Agreed that the old fold up chairs and tables in the storeroom be advertised on Gumtree or similar. Other local voluntary groups could be sounded out for taking some of the newer blue chairs. BG to have a word with Claire Driver in this regard,
6. Marketing and events
6.1 Christmas party: had been a resounding success.
6.2 Jazz night: following cancellation it transpired that a number of people had intended to turn up and pay at the door. CM to do round robin to see if enough people interested in another jazz night.
6.3 Future events: R&R bingo and quiz nights successful in past.
7. Any other business
7.1 New arrivals: Agreed that trustees would aim to inform CM of names and email addresses of any new residents that came to their notice.
7.2 100 Club: TH to update members' payments to facilitate final draw.